Sunday Sermon Our Lady of The Rosary Church. Cork.
13th October 2013 - 21st Sunday after Pentecost. - vestment green
Father asked us to recall that on October 7th past we celebrated the feast of Our Lady of The Rosary He reminded us that this feast had first been known, as the feast day of Our Lady of Victory. It had been established to pay tribute to Our Blessed Mother’s help in winning the battle of Lepando in 1571.
Father reminded us that this battle of Lepando was a battle between the heretics and we Catholics. His sermon focused on the similarities between the world in 1571 and the world today. Father directed us to realise that Lepando was won because Catholics the world over used the weapons of the Rosary fasting and alms giving to fight the Heretics while the Christian Armies fought with material weapons.
Two weapons Satan uses against God and His Church - Godless rulers and Heresy
Father explained that today the battle is the same - it is a battle between the devil and we Catholics. Pointing out that heresy (the weapon of the devil) would be powerless without Godless rulers and that everywhere in Europe Godless rulers are in power.A perfect example from history is that of Henry VIII of England. Henry had won the title of Defender of The Faith from the Pope for his writing against Luther's heresies but when Henry himself became Godless he helped spread those heresies throughout England. Father quoted Luther as saying that he preferred Muslims to the pope. So Luther, a heretic himself, sanctioned those who hated Jesus.
Horror Story
Because Father had just returned from his holiday to his homeland in Italy he was au fait with the Italian press covering the Vatican.With great consternation, Father announced to us that his holiness had said “some very strange things”.
The pope had announced that :
He believed in God. But he did not believe in a Catholic God.
That if you think it is good then it is good
The Church no longer converted to people to Catholicism. Proselytism, said the pope, is nonsense.
(The pain in my heart that this causes me is beyond belief. I suppose like all of you, I hunger for Justice and Truth)
Call to Arms
Father warns the congregation that this was the time to become soldiers of Christ. We could be silent no longer. In the face of heresy we must speak out. We must stop the errors when we hear them.Father urged us to pray many Rosaries. Careful, he warned, that in missing one Rosary we loose one soul. We need the co-operation of Our Blessed Lady to lead us to heaven - she helps us in every need.
We must pray the Rosary. The devil is fighting - we must fight back.
Father rallied the troops with the promise: "We will WIN."
Sunday within the Octive of Ascension Thursday.
Linking todays Gospel to Ascension Thursday, Father Biére drew our attention to the last words Jesus said on earth which was to send His disciples out to be a witness for Him and His Gospel. The apostles were to be His representatives on earth. Jesus asks the same of all Christians today - To go out into the world and to be a witness to the Gospel.
Father Paul addressed us today as "fervent believers of the apparitions at Fatima" and acknowledged the expectations we all have of having the Holy Father consecrate Russia to the Immaculate heart of Mary. Our Lady's message to the children at Fatima was the same as Her sons message to the world. Be a good witness of the faith, pray and do penance. Father reminded us of Our Lady's promise that if Russia was consecrated to Her Immaculate Heart then Russia would be saved, the world would know a time of peace and Her Immaculate Heart would triumph.
Father said he understood how we could ask - when will this happen? But warned that it was not for us to demand to know the will of God in these matters.
"Ours is not to reason why, ours is but to do or die."
Father explained that Our Lady was giving us what was an important mission to us in our time - very few will take it up he said. The challenge to live as good Catholics in a world which denies the existence of God.
Father Paul then suggested that the suffering of Christians today is worse today than what the first christians suffered. For the first Christians had a strong faith and lived to love God above all else and their neighbour as themselves. All they lost was their lives on this earth while Christians today because of the pressure from the world are loosing their souls for eternity. Father however did remind us of the physical suffering of Christians in China and elsewhere in the world.
Our Lady promised to talke the children of Fatima to heaven but they must do as She told them. "Do what I say" She says this to each of us and in order that she will be able to take us to heaven.
Soon it will be Penticost are we ready to receive the Holy Ghost . Are we ready to live up to the grace he brings. The grace that will help us to carry out the command of Jesus Christ and the same message of Fatima?
Father asked the congregation to consider:
How many people today actually live good Catholic lives? They are baptised, receive their first holy communion, they are even confirmed but how many live lives pleasing to God?
To be a true witness of God we need to know him, we need to read holy scripture know the Catechism. This will give us grace and strength. The Church provides us with the mean of grace, - the sacraments.
This is the big program Father warns. Father spells it out for us: The Virtue of Charity. To love God above all things and our neighbour as ourselves. We must love God above family and friends.
We are slaves to a lot of things, Drink, food, fashion. These are external things, but there are also the things inside ourselves that we can become slaves to.
Father quoted: Matthew chapter 10 verse 37.
"He that loveth father or mother more than me, is not worthy of me; and he that loveth son or daughter more than me, is not worthy of me."
1 Peter chapter 4 verse 8.
"But before all things have a constant mutual charity among yourselves: for charity covereth a multitude of sins." Of the first Christian's the pagans said "see how they love one another"
In 300 years there were millions of Christians.
I attend the latin mass in newry when i can. but its great to get a site like this. certainly i would recognize the power of the verse above about loving God before everyone else in your life. i found when i really did this then i began to love everyone else more as if God was teaching me how to love them.