Renewing Our Faith

Renewing our faith is not about converting others it is about learning the theology and dogma that underpin our Catholic beliefs.  

Friday, July 16

Search The Bible

Here is the link for the Douay Rheims Catholic Bible.

Thursday, July 1


Overcoming the Ego and Narcism   
Under no circmstances are you to use, write or think the words:
“I AM”
“IAM” is God’s name and therefore should not be used by mankind to describe himself.
“I am lonely;  I am tired;  I am hungry; I am happy; I am sad.,  should not be used.  Neither should 
“I am a success; or  I am a failure.” 
You are never any of these things.  

You can say,  I feel tired,  I feel lonely, 
The one and only exception to this rule is:
I am made in the image and likeness of God.   That is - I AM a Spiritual being with Memory Intellect and Will”  This is the only Truth that we can hold to, when we try to describe ourselves. 
When describing an action you are about to perform it is preferable to say,  
“I will be going to Cork.  or I will drive up to Cork. or  I will go today to see a friend etc..”  
Because all action is powered by God Himself then it is ok to use:  
“I am reading a book.  or  I am washing my clothes or I am going to pray the Rosary now,  I am going to Mass”  You see the I am in this case is followed by a verb and therefore is about an action as part of God’s creating power.  At all times this must be acknowledged silently or as a continuation of your Morning Offering or as my grandmother would have said, “Thanks be to God.”  
That is - all actions are acknowledged as done in, and through, the will of God. 
Now you need to read this two or three times.  You need to make a total commitment to dropping the great “I AM”  from your vocabulary when describing yourself.
Remember:  If you find yourself thinking:  “I am a success or I am a failure”  stop and apologise to God.  Simply say, “I am made in Your image and likeness, in You, I live, I move and have my being.”
brought to you by a humble servant

"I am a success"  - this is a prideful statement and is therefore a grievous sin against God.

"I am a failure"  - this leads to despair.  Remember, faith, hope and charity.  Despair is the loss of hope - a very grievous sin against God and humanity.  It can also lead to murder of the self, with no time or opportunity, to ask forgiveness (either of God or man)  for taking a life.