Renewing Our Faith

Renewing our faith is not about converting others it is about learning the theology and dogma that underpin our Catholic beliefs.  

Saturday, June 12

Death of Decorum!

This little lady is dressed with decorum and she is carrying her Rosary Beads.  She is hope, for the future of mankind.  
When Jesus foretold the coming chastisement He said that nearly all the people on earth would be killed.  But, said Jesus, God would stop short of ending mankind - "For the sake of the elect." 

Our enemies - Satan the enemy of mankind and his armies are hard at work day and night while we Catholics slumber.   

When I type "Our Lady" or even the word "lady" as a word on its own, this is the warning message I get on my imac computer:

Gender - specific expression.  Consider ommitting this word or replacing it with ‘woman’,  ‘person‘  or  ‘individual’. 

Why?  Well here is the reason.  If I describe a collogue to you as a "real lady,"  you will conjure up in your mind a genteel woman of refinement.  However if enough people follow the computers advise and omit this word, very quickly the word will cease to have a meaning in the human mind.  When we call the Mother of Jesus, "Our Lady" it conjures up a picture of a 'ladylike' woman.  When we wish to imitate Her goodness and purity we have a prototype of what a lady really is.
My dictionary says of the word 'ladylike':
"genteel, polite, refined, well-bred,cultivated, polished, decorous, proper, respectable, seemly, well mannered, cultured, sophisticated, elegant, modest; feminine,womanly."
Can you imagine calling Our Lady, Our Woman!  How coarse that would be.  My dictionary tells me that the opposite of ladylike is - 'coarse'.  
Never forget Liberals are coarse people who who are offended by anything moving towards the 'holy' or the good.  In fact in the circles in which I work should I describe the above child as 'good'  those around me would be horror struck and they would demand to know what I meant by it.  They would want the word substantiated.  You see they don't know what it means any more.

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