Renewing Our Faith

Renewing our faith is not about converting others it is about learning the theology and dogma that underpin our Catholic beliefs.  

Saturday, June 12

Occasions of Sin

An Occasion of Sin
Summer is here and we, in this northern hemisphere, long for blue skies and sunshine after long dreary winters that leave us depleted of gayety and joy.  Who can blame us for wanting to feel the fresh sunlight on as much of our skin as possible?  
And yet I hear so many of my women friends lament the coming of the hot weather. They look at each other in consternation as they agree that the young people will offend God as they walk the streets immodestly dressed.  Just before she died, Little Jacinta in 1917 prophesied that there would come to the world many fashions that would deeply offend God. 
But didn’t God make our skin, we might argue, how could He be offended by seeing more of it?  The problem is that being immodestly dressed we become what Holy Mother Church describes as, “An occasion to sin to others.”  
As women, we become an occasion of sin to others when we wear provocative clothing.  The latest fashion of tops that expose the cleavage is “an occasion of sin” to men.  As are tight jeans, that expose the contours of the genital area and bottom.  Looking at women dressed in this way men easily lust after them.  
Not your problem?  Think again!  Remember what Jesus said.  Jesus acknowledged that temptation must come but he warned: “woe to the one who causes it to come to others.” 
My dear sisters, pity the souls of men.  So many are going to hell.  I recall walking along a street with a male friend.  We approached a lovely young women wearing shorts and sitting sunning herself.  Unknown to her, she was sitting in such a way that her skimpy shorts revealed all.  My male friend confided to me, “You know it is very hard for a man not to have sexual thoughts when they see something like that.”
What did Jesus also warn:  “He who lusts after a women has already sinned with her in his heart!”  Do you think these men who lust after us will stand alone, in their sin, before the judgement seat of God?  I think not.  No. Just as Adam shifted the blame to Eve, so too, will every man on Judgement Day point to us and say - “But she tempted me Lord.”   

1 comment:

  1. I went for a walk on the strand this afternoon and thought I was seeing things. I saw a woman completely naked on the beach!! I couldn't believe my eyes. I thought this was indecent exposure and a crime. Did someone change the law and I didn't notice?
